
What Size Window Well Do I Need

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Window wells attach to your abode's foundation around ground-level windows to prevent water and soil from getting within. When you desire to install a window well, start by digging holes effectually the window for the well and a drain so it doesn't fill with water. In one case y'all dig the holes, mount the window well onto your home to secure it in place around the window. When you're finished, your window will be protected from any water trying to go in!

  1. 1

    Measure out the size of your window so you know how large of a well you lot need. Measure out the elevation and width of your window with a tape mensurate and then you lot know the dimensions. Add viii inches (20 cm) to the height and vi inches (15 cm) to the width measurement you lot took so the well can fit around the outside of the window.

    • For example if you accept a window that'southward 12 inches (30 cm) wide by 30 inches (76 cm) tall, then you need a well that's at to the lowest degree 38 inches (97 cm) tall and 18 inches (46 cm) broad.
  2. two

    Find a prefabricated well that fits your window. Window wells come up in various styles so cull ane that matches the remainder of your habitation. Choice either a plastic or steel window well for the well-nigh durable materials. If you have wells on other basis-level windows, get a matching well for the new one that you're installing.

    • You tin buy window wells from your local hardware or home improvement store.


  3. 3

    Dig a pigsty that's slightly wider and deeper than the well. Start your hole next to your abode's foundation well-nigh 6 inches (15 cm) from the side of your window. Shovel the clay into a wheelbarrow or tarp and then it'south easy to send away from the hole. Continue earthworks effectually the window until the pigsty is about 4–5 inches (ten–13 cm) deeper than the bottom of the window sill and 6 inches (15 cm) wider than the well.

    • Contact your utility companies before you kickoff digging to check for any power, gas, or water lines where you program on putting the window well.
  4. 4

    Utilise an auger to diameter through the ground to the gravel nether your foundation. Augers are big drills that aid dig straight holes in the ground. Position the end of the auger in the center of the pigsty you only dug to place your drain. Turn the auger on and button it slowly into the ground so information technology bores downwardly about i foot (30 cm). Pull the auger out from the footing to clean off any dirt on the blades. Continue digging out one human foot (30 cm) at a time until you reach a layer of gravel under your domicile.[1]

    • If you don't take an auger, and then yous tin can apply a shovel but it may be more than difficult to break through the ground.

    Tip: Bank check if your local hardware store offers equipment rentals so you don't have to purchase an auger.

  5. 5

    Put a perforated tube with a drain cap in the pigsty and so the well can drain. Look for a perforated tube with a four–5 in (x–thirteen cm) diameter at your local hardware store. Measure out the depth of the drain hole and get a tube that'due south the same length. Place the tube in the center of the drain hole and drain cap on top and so dirt and gravel can't get inside and clog it.[ii]

    • You tin can buy bleed caps from your local hardware store.
    • If you can't observe a pipe with perforation, and so cut 2 in (5.1 cm) long slits on each side every ane ft (xxx cm) along the pipage's length.
    • The bleed tube will help divert water out of the well toward your dwelling's weeping tile, which is the secret drainage piping that moves water away from your home.
  6. 6

    Backfill the hole around the tube with gravel. Make sure the tube is centered in the drain hole and hold it in identify. Pour gravel around the outside of the tube to provide ameliorate drainage for the well and to hold the tube in place. Continue packing gravel into the hole until it's level with the drain cap.[iii]

    • You lot can purchase bags of gravel from home comeback or landscaping stores.


  1. 1

    Prepare the window well against your foundation so information technology's level. Put the window well in the hole you dug and push it firmly against the walls of your foundation. Brand sure that the edges of the sides of the well are most three inches (7.half dozen cm) from either side of the window, and check that the top of the well extends ii–three inches (–seven.6 cm) above the dirt. Set a level on top of the well to see if information technology's straight, and pack dirt underneath the lower side if you demand to.[4]

    • Ask someone to help you lift and ready the well in identify if it's as well heavy to safely lift on your own.
    • If the window well is closer than half dozen inches (15 cm) to your siding, dig your pigsty deeper until you have a 6 in (xv cm) buffer.
  2. ii

    Mark the location of the predrilled holes on your foundation with a mark. Hold the window well tightly against your abode and use a marker to put dots on your foundation in the eye of each pigsty. Check that the window well doesn't shift effectually while you lot're making your marks or else the holes won't line up when you try to attach the well subsequently on. Afterward you draw all of the marks, take the window well out of the pigsty.

    • If your window well doesn't already have holes drilled in the sides, so you may need to brand your ain holes. Use a 38  in (0.95 cm) drill bit meant for metal or plastic depending on what your well is made from, and space your holes about 5 inches (13 cm) apart down each side.
  3. iii

    Drill two in (five.1 cm) airplane pilot holes in the foundation with a masonry fleck. Apply a 3eight  in (0.95 cm) masonry bit in a hammer drill to cut through your foundation. Agree the drill bit straight confronting one of your marks on the foundation and plough it on to cut through the physical. Brand the holes about two inches (5.1 cm) deep and so the anchors can easily fit within. Continue drilling holes at each of your marks along the foundation wall.[5]

    • Put on a pair of safety spectacles so yous don't get hurt while drilling the holes.
    • You tin use a regular rotary drill, but it will take longer and may harm the auto.
    • Check your local hardware store to come across if they rent hammer drills and so you don't need to buy i.
  4. 4

    Spiral the window well into place using masonry anchors. Use masonry anchors that are three8  in (0.95 cm) in diameter and i 7eight  in (4.viii cm) long. Unscrew the nuts from the anchor sleeves and slide the sleeves into the holes you drilled. Position the window well in front of the sleeves and screw the nuts back into the sleeves. Tighten the basics with a socket wrench so the window well stays firmly in place.[half dozen]

    • You tin can buy masonry anchors from your local hardware store.

    Warning: Don't use regular wood screws to mount the window well since they could easily come up loose.

  5. 5

    Apply a line of caulk around the well if you lot want additional protection. Caulking effectually the sides can help seal the window well from water to prevent more leaks. Load the caulk into a dispenser and squeeze the trigger to apply it. Work effectually the sides of the window well with a thin line of caulk to seal it.[7]

    • Y'all don't need to caulk around the sides of the window well if yous don't want to.


  1. 1

    Fill the bottom 2–3 in (5.1–7.6 cm) of the window well with gravel. Cascade the gravel effectually the within and outside of your window well, and pack information technology down with the bottom of your shovel. Spread the gravel evenly over the expanse so yous have a 2–3 in (5.1– cm) layer at the bottom of the hole. Make sure the layer of gravel is lower than the window sill or else information technology could leak into your home.

    • The gravel will aid improve the window well'south drainage so h2o doesn't pool upwardly or flood into your basement.

    Tip: You can put a layer of landscaping material betwixt the clay and gravel if y'all don't desire them to mix in the futurity.

  2. 2

    Pack dirt around the outside of the well until you lot fill up the hole. Utilize the dirt you originally dug upwards effectually the side of your dwelling to fill in the hole. Cascade about i foot (30 cm) of clay along the outside of the well, and press information technology downward with your human foot to pack it tightly. Continue alternating between adding 1 foot (30 cm) of clay and tamping it downward and so the soil effectually the well is tightly packed. Leave the meridian 2–three inches (five.1–7.half-dozen cm) of the window well exposed so water and dirt can't leak into it.

    • If yous can't fit your foot in the hole to pack the clay in, utilize a hoe or a tamper to printing the clay downwardly.
  3. 3

    Secure a cover on top of the well to foreclose anything from getting inside. Get a window well comprehend that matches the size of your window well and place information technology over the opening. If you want the comprehend permanently installed, make holes in your foundation with a hammer drill and a masonry chip before securing the cover in identify with anchors. If you don't want it permanently installed, lay a heavy piece of wood or stone on top of the cover so it doesn't blow away.[eight]

    • Y'all can buy window well covers from your local hardware or home improvement stores.
    • Yous don't need to put on a window well cover if you lot don't want ane.


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  • Question

    How deep should the well be from the top of the window?

    Community Answer

    The distance between the top of window to the pinnacle of well can vary. However, in that location should be a gap between the bottom of the siding and the top of the well. The height of the well should sit down a few inches above the footing.

  • Question

    Nosotros are replacing rusted out window wells. Practice we demand to practise anything different to remove quondam ones?

    Community Answer

    If the steel wells are rusted out, information technology is most likely that the bolts holding it to the wall are rusted into the wall. The best solution is to raise the new well in a higher place the old bolt holes, unless the new window well has unlike hole locations.

  • Question

    How far from the bottom of the window should the gravel be>

    Community Answer

    The gravel should be 4" below the window well to let rain water to make it to the drain.

  • Question

    What type of bolts do I employ?

    Community Answer

    I used 1/iv" x1 3/4" flathead tapcons spaced 6" autonomously in the valleys of the galvanized steel window well. They're very secure. I painted the wall with a foundation coating first.

  • Question

    Do window wells need to be perfectly level when installing them?

    Community Answer

    No. I would make certain information technology is direct in comparison to the bottom edge of the siding on your business firm (which is probably pretty close to level anyways). Level doesn't affair as much as making sure it doesn't LOOK crooked.

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  • Check with local utility companies earlier you dig to confirm at that place aren't any power, gas, or h2o lines where you desire to put your window well.

  • Clothing safety spectacles whenever yous drill into physical to protect your optics.


Things You'll Need

  • Record Measure
  • Window well
  • Shovel
  • Wheelbarrow
  • Auger
  • Perforated tube with a drain cap
  • Gravel
  • Marking
  • Hammer drill with a threeviii  in (0.95 cm) masonry fleck
  • Masonry anchors
  • Caulk
  • Caulk gun
  • Window well cover

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Article Summary 10

If you want to install a window well, start by buying a prefabricated well that matches the dimensions of the window. Adjacent, dig a hole that's slightly wider and deeper than the well and diameter through the ground to the gravel under the foundation with an auger. Put a perforated tube with a drain cap in the hole so the well can drain and backfill the hole with gravel. Then, nestle the window well in the hole and push it firmly confronting the walls of your foundation. Employ a marker to marking the center of each predrilled hole and drill the pilot holes into the foundation with a masonry scrap. Finally, screw the window well into place using masonry anchors and tighten the basics with a socket wrench. For tips on filling around the newly-installed well, read on!

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What Size Window Well Do I Need,


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